Meet Starck

Starck is a disciplined and pragmatic strategist who always has a plan for every situation. His cool-headedness and attention to detail make him a valuable asset in any mission or operation.

Starck is a natural-born leader and a master of strategy. Despite his unusual appearance, he commands respect and admiration from his fellow VOTTOO for his exceptional tactical skills and cool demeanor.

Starck's keen intelligence and analytical mind allow him to quickly assess any situation and come up with effective solutions. He is a true master of underwater combat, and his expertise in aquatic warfare has saved the lives of his comrades many times.

Despite his serious demeanor, Starck is also known to have a great sense of humor, and he often lightens the mood during tense missions with his witty jokes and clever quips. Starck's home world planet is a water planet, where he spent most of his life exploring the vast oceans and studying the intricate ecosystems that thrive there.

Ready to take a swim into the unknown? Let Starck be your guide.

Leia Curie

Leia Curie is a fearless scientific journalist who is known for her deeply personal approach to storytelling. Though she follows the tenets of gonzo journalism to a degree, Leia's work is not just about sensationalism or shock value. Instead, she puts herself in the middle of things and delivers work that is as personal as it is informative. Leia is willing to head directly into the fray to get the story by any means necessary, regardless of the political spectrum. Her investigations aren't funded by a major news service or magazine, which allows her obsession with truth and knowledge to drive her work. Leia is an eager detective driven by mysteries with outrageous implications, and she is not afraid of exposing misinformation or conspiracies that promise immortality. With her unique approach to storytelling and her unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth, Leia Curie is a rising star in the world of science journalism.


Meet Nova


Meet Aqua